
What Do Alumni Rowers Want?

Many North American and some other rowers get their start in the sport rowing at high school, university or college.  “Crew” defines their existence as much as the degree or diploma that they earn.  There seems to be a culture of challenges, dedication, survival, team spirit and hopefully success.  For some, this institution-based rowing is…

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Water for Rowing: Quantity

Good water quality is an asset for rowing and is the focus of a commendable campaign by World Rowing and World Wildlife Fund.  Quantity of water is discussed less frequently, but is equally important.  It is top of my mind because I row in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada where we are having serious floods again this…

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Wooden boats, old and new

Europe is always an interesting contrast of cutting edge new and classic traditions.  I was delighted during my recent trip there to see these illustrated through wooden rowing shells – the contrast between a rowing shell that was about 100 years old and a new wooden shell under construction.  Both were beautiful.  While we can…

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Emergency Boat Baptism

One of the pleasures of travelling and rowing is to learn of customs and traditions that are unique to different countries.  One wonderful Swiss tradition is the naming and baptism of a new boat before it can be rowed. Just before Christmas I was privileged to participate in an emergency boat baptism on the Lake…

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