Photo credit: Simone Bourgeois
Not everyone understands rowing travel. Lots of people row, and even more people travel. But those who travel to row or row to travel are a smaller group. Dare we say a bit more exclusive group? Check which of the following rowing travel signs apply to you!
- You know that Vogalonga is not a tribe in Papua New Guinea.
When you competed internationally, you wondered what it would be like to row on those lakes or rivers next to those mountains on your own time, without buoyed lanes and a coxswain screaming at you.
- Whenever you bump into another rower outside your club or circle, one of the first things you get asked is “Where have you rowed lately?”
- You have a waterproof pouch that exactly fits your passport.
- Every time you see water anywhere . . . like River Thames in England or a lake in Italy, you imagine yourself rowing on it.
- You are an early riser, even when on holiday. Rowing writer Gloria Difulvio explains on Medium.
Photo credit: Brian Corrigan
In winter, you do other types of activities to stay fit, but you can’t stop thinking of rowing in a warm-weather destination, say Martinique, with palm trees, or tropical forests, or quetzals in the treetops or . . . sigh
- You have a secret list of destinations that non-rowers would not understand. They all have rowing clubs and interesting water to explore.
- When you read about some rower circling the U.K. or breaking a record for crossing the Atlantic or doing some incredible rowing feat, you are curious and want to read about it, and begin to imagine what it might be like to row there…
Congratulations! If you checked off even one of these rowing travel signs, then you are well on your way to enjoying our favourite sport in beautiful destinations!
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Posted in Rowing
I love your thoughtful treatment of the sport and how you integrate the joy of travel with the joy of rowing! Looking forward to a trip in 2022 perhaps!
Thank you so much Charlotte. It would be a pleasure to have you on a trip in 2022 or anytime!